Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Blog 3: The Truman Show

The Truman Show was a great film about the life of a man named Truman who had been controlled and lived in a "safe" and fantasy world his whole life. Seahaven was the place where he had lived all of his life. He trusted that place until something his father who had "died" in the film came back as a extra and Truman spotted him and all went wrong and Truman discovered the truth that Seahaven wasn't exactly what he thought it was. If I were to find out that my whole life I had been living a false life and that everyone and everything around me was fake and i had absolutely no control in the decisions i made i would definitely want to enter into the other world. I'd like to have a choice. Whether or not the choice would be right and if i would completely dislike the other world or the real world, I'd know that the decision was mine. It would be exciting but frightening at the same time. I'd be entering a world where I don't know anyone or anything. I'd have to start from scratch. I know I'd leave to the other world. Having spent my whole life living someone else's life I'd want to take the risk to see if i was strong enough to survive on my own and to teach myself new things and be able to understand the world.
I feel that Truman will be overwhelmed shocked by the drastic difference between his happy fantasy land world and our cruel and dark world. All over the world you'll find that their are good people and bad and each and every single one of them will have an affect on you. He'll realize that not all people are friendly or honest or dishonest. That theirs crimes and scandals and non of us are perfect and that we are all sinners. I don't doubt that he wont make it but i know it'll be hard for him at first to adjust and understand what is truly real. Truman had knew all of the people in his neighborhood and he had his routine. He will try and look for all of these things in the new world and believe that anything he's seen in Seahaven will work the same in the new world. He'll definitely be more cautious, not be able to trust anything at first or for a while.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Blog 2: The Allegory Of The Cave

The allegory to the cave is a fictional story, written by the Greek philosopher Plato in the book called The Republic, where he writes a dialogue between his teacher Socrates and Plato's brother Glaucon to show the ways in which we believe and perceive in what is reality. The story takes place in a cave, where he imagines a group of prisoners who have lived and been chained, arms and legs held and chained in place, in that cave for almost their whole lives. These group of people face a blank wall and watch shadows made by things that pass in front of a fire behind them. They make stories and assumptions to what they believe is going on behind the fire. The people making the shadows are using wooden and iron objects to cause these images. They believe that these shadows and sounds that they see and hear are in fact real because that is all they've seen and heard. Socrates adds that if one prisoner is set free that he would not recognize these objects if seen in reality and that the prisoner will view the real truth as aching and would want to go back to the shadows and images they've been so comfortable seeing all this time. Now accepting the fact that these shadows aren't true the prisoner is forced to step out of the cave and be face to face with the sun. The prisoner would now try to recognize the shadow and its reflections as he has done his whole life from the wall. Eventually he will adjust to the sunlight and be aware his surroundings and realize that the sun has much to do with everything around him and that he is finally aware of truth and reality. He will understand the truth and return to the cave from where he lived all of his life. The other prisoners will laugh and judge because they cannot imagine anything beyond the wall and its shadows. So at this point, the freed prisoner represents a leader. He becomes the leader because he can see better than the rest because he's lived it and is now able to lead and govern with truth and goodness. He is expected to take care of them and educate them.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Blog 1

Fernando Torres
Dr. Smith
English 101/103

The men and women in the early 1900’s would be overwhelmed by so much technology. We’ve advanced so much, and we still continue to, over the years in the media. With everything around us changing, ex. music, art, transportation, everything is modernized now a lot because of technology. Technology can be seen, used today, in medicine, sports, the military and art. From the time I was born until now we’ve seen some drastic changes in electronics. Phones are more popular than ever, now carrying internet and some even give you the chance to watch live TV on it. Phones originally were meant to call and just be able to contact someone if they lived far away or if was urgent. Now it seems like more and more people are texting and fewer calls are being made.
You can access and do just about anything on the internet. Certain popular websites such as Ebay and Amazon let you shop and sell anything and everything on it. Customers bid on items and try to top the next one’s price. Google and other search engines have become extremely important in finding anything you’re looking for. Downloading music has been at its highest because of amazing products being made by companies such as Apple and Sony. Apple has launched the iphone and ipod which both sold millions in the few months it debuted. Technology is getting faster and better and is controlling almost everything in our daily lives that we don’t even notice. These would be called social cyborgs. A cyborg is a cybernetic organism that has both natural and artificial systems. We’ve seen examples of this in famous movies such as the matrix, the terminator and blade runner. This gives us the idea of having a man be robotic or have machinery components or that of a machine having human and natural qualities.
There is no doubt in my mind that everything around us is becoming more technological, but I wouldn’t go as far to say that we are becoming cyborgs. I agree, naturally we have adjusted ourselves to a more high tech and socially cyborg environment, although some of us participate in these activities we are aware of what we’re doing. Some choose to not have cell phones and use the internet or anything modern in that sense. Also, in medicine or sports, athletes who lose a body part have the option of using steroids to enhance and recreate their body. They have willingly chosen to take this and at times it’s necessary to take these forms of drugs to help you recover from an accident or sickness. Athletes who lose an arm or leg have the option of getting a prosthetic leg or arm replacement. It may be that one day the world will completely be controlled by computers or a higher technological device and humans will be ruled by it and future humans will be born as cyborgs, but as of now we’re free.